Regenerative medicine is focused on developing and applying new treatments to heal tissues and organs and restore function lost due to aging, disease, damage or defects. The human body has the natural ability to heal itself in many ways. So we are using regenerative medicine procedures in our office as a way to stimulate healing and rejuvenation of joint, nerve and muscular systems of the body.
Depending on which procedure is needed to address your need, regenerative medicine procedures ultimately stimulate and assist your body’s ability to heal without using methods to just mask your symptoms or remove and replace body parts.
Regenerative Medicine Used for therapies and conditions including:
Osteoarthritis (Knee arthritis, Hip arthritis) • Joint injuries (Shoulder, Knee, Elbow, Rotator cuff) • Labral Tear • Torn meniscus • Spinal injuries (Neck, Back) • Lumbar and sacral osteoarthritis • Sciatica (Lumbar radiculopathy) • Herniated disc (Slipped disc, Disc displacement) • Degenerative disc disease • Neuropathy/nerve pain.
Regenerative medicine is known for helping patients heal faster than treatment with conventional methods. Ozone procedures, platelet-rich plasma, A2M injections and human umbilical cord tissue work quickly to repair injured joints and tissue, enhancing the body’s own ability to heal after an injury or from chronic joint and tissue degeneration. It does depend on what is needed, your expectations of the procedure and your overall health will determine how well you respond to our procedures.
The cost for regenerative medicine therapy is based on the procedure and what is needed to achieve your goal. There’s not a one size fits all approach because everyone’s individual need and cost is unique to them. We perform a detailed history, examination and review any prior diagnostic procedures you have had and then sit down and review best recommendations, options and the investment needed.
Every condition and treatment are different. We take our patients through our advanced assessment so we can carefully determine the right treatment plan for you. Many patients are experiencing major relief from Regenerative Therapy after only ONE treatment and usually that one procedure is all that is needed to achieve the goal you are looking for.
In most cases, the therapy involves a simple procedure and is minimally invasive. Due to this, the procedure takes very little time and leads to minimal discomfort.
Most patients can return to their normal activities following regenerative medicine procedures which are considered outpatient procedures. The most common side effects are minor bruising or discomfort at the site of the injection, which should go away within a few days. Unlike surgery or other procedures, regenerative medicine allows you to get back to your routine as quickly as possible.
Health insurance is very similar to auto and home insurance. If you get into an auto accident, the auto insurance will likely cover the costs to repair the damage but will not pay to replace your tires that have worn out. If a storm causes a tree to fall and damage your roof, you would be covered but will not pay to replace your roof from wear and tear.
Health insurance will not cover the cost of these new advanced technologies designed to repair damage from wear and tear but will pay for older procedures like joint amputations and medication.